
How to install Dropbox client in Ubuntu

Dropbox is an online storage service, where you can get 2 GB initial storage space free. You can easily manage Dropbox storage service from your desktop PC by installing Dropbox client.


Create an account in Dropbox website,

Download deb file from

Install Dropbox client in your Ubuntu [Right click deb file and select "Open with .

After installation, Dropbox client open and give your user name and password.

You can see Dropbox icon appeared in desktop task bar.
You can drop your files in Dropbox folder in Home folder. Then it transfer to online storage space.

Change Ubuntu windows button from Left to Right

From Ubuntu 10.04 onwards you can see applications windows button in Left side.
This is inconvenient to many users. You can change it to right side as previous versions.

Press Alt + F2. A window appears and copy paste the following command in the text space and Press Run button.

gconftool-2 --set /apps/metacity/general/button_layout --type string menu:minimize,maximize,close

You can see the change.

How to install GnomeShell in Linux Mint 13 and Ubuntu 12.04

If you like traditional desktop in Linux Mint 13 Cinnamon edition and Ubuntu 12.04, you can install GnomeShell. GNOME Shell is the core user interface of the GNOME 3 desktop environment. I installed GnomeShell when my Cinnamon desktop in Linux Mint 13 showed some problems.

How to install
Open Applications > Accessories > Terminal and apply following commands.

sudo su
apt-get install gnome-shell

After completing the installation restart PC and in login screen change the session to gnome classic.

No Internet connection in Virtual Box with Linux Mint 13

No Internet connection in my Virtual Box inside Linux Mint 13 Maya. My default networking adapter in Virtual Box was NAT. I solved the problem by changing to Bridge Adapter. Now I can access Internet in Virtual Box client OS.

How to install Gnome shell in Linux Mint 13 Cinnamon dektop

Open a terminal and apply following commands,

sudo su
apt-get install gnome-shell

Disable auto log-in, System Tools > Administration > Login Window
Restart PC