
Screen brightness problem with Acer ES1-131 and Debian 8 (Jessie)

I installed Debian 8 (Jessie) XFCE and LXDE desktop on Acer ES1-131 Netbook. I could successfully installed Debian. But problem is that, not able reduce the brightness of screen. Short cut key for brightness control not working.

The real problem with the Linux kernel. Default kernel version could not identify the Intel driver. You can find that /sys/class/backlight will be empty. Brightness control folder and files should be reside here.

How to solve it?
Solution is that upgrade the kernel of Debian.

Enable sudo in Debian

Sudo is a tool default with Ubuntu, which allows users to execute administrative tasks (e.g. installation, remove etc). sudo is not available with Debian default. Ubuntu user may feel difficult while work with Debian without sudo. User has to install sudo tool first.

Open terminal and apply following commands,

apt-get install sudo
adduser username sudo

Logout from desktop.
Login again.

Install Linux ISO file in a USB stick

Its easy to write ISO file to USB pen drive. This process erase all data in your USB drive.

Find out the name of the USB drive using the lsblk tool. Apply the following command:


The output will look like this:

Here the USB device is /dev/sda, but this may vary on your system. The best way to identify the name is by checking the device's size.

Copy the Linux iso file in the home folder.

Open a terminal and become a root user.
sudo su
If your USB drive name is sdb, apply the following command.

cat debian.iso > /dev/sdb; sync

Disable Grub2 theme in Ubuntu MATE

Gurb 2 has GUI theme.

It may lag the boot time. User can remove it to get back legacy Grub theme.
Apply following command to remove Grub 2 theme.

sudo apt-get remove grub2-themes-ubuntu-mate

Then update Grub
