
Play and listen to audio in the background from YouTube

NewPipe is a YouTube client which allow you to play videos and listen to audio-only in the background. This app is convenient to listen audio (e.g. Talk, music) from YouTube channels while travelling. Video content available through NewPipe app is free from YouTube advertisements. NewPipe is a pure Free software licensed under GNU General Public License. Here are the steps to install NewPipe and play audio in the background.

1. Install NewPipe app
NewPipe app is not available at PlayStore to download. Download the apk file from any other websites (uptodown) and install.

Enable regional languages on Gboard

Gboard is a keyboard app developed for Android apps. It supports both typing and handwriting mode. Users can enable both English and Indian languages handwriting on Gboard. Gboard available default with latest versions of Android (e.g. Pie). Otherwise, users can install Gboard and make it the default keyboard. Here are the steps to install Gboard and enable regional languages in India (handwriting mode).

Install Gboard from Android PlayStore.